Tuwon Madara, also known as milk candy, is a typically 3 ingredient recipe made in Northern Nigeria. The recipe involves boiling the ingredients into a thick paste to then be cooled and shaped. You can make all sorts of cute and fun designs using cookie cutters or sculpting the paste with your hand.
I all the individual elements of this website, including especially the font and colors. However, I think these elements could be used more effectivily. The images on the home page make it hard to read to texts, and sometimes the background and text and clash with each other due to color choice. I like the drop down menu; it's clear and concise.
Minimalist Baker
I like how the logo is centered in the top banner, and how composition is mirrored (there are 3 links on each side of the logo). The icons below each recipe makes accounting for dietary restrictions easy, and the photos chosen are really inviting. I also like how the home page is not too long; a lot of other recipe site's feel like infinite scrollers which can be a little bit exauhsting.
There's a emphasis and large images and small type. I think it works terms of placing greater value on the food than the descriptions. I also like the scrolling banner! The social media icons do get a bit lost but they're not the most important thing on the page.
I like the clarity of this website. There's not a lot going on in terms of color or variation in font which allows all the elements to stand out. I also like the very geometric, non serif font choice.
Lolita Collective
I like the use of icons for hyperlinks on this page. The color pallete chosen is also very aesthetically pleasing without being overwhelming. I also like the use of a small font size, which creates a lot of breathing room on the page.
The sprinkles website feels very organized. I especially like the repetition in terms of circles used on this site, such as it's use in backgrounds.